The Guidebook for Al-Aqsa Mosque was produced in cooperation with the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque Restoration Committee in Jordan and the Islamic Waqf Administration in Jerusalem to provide basic information for visitors to the al-Aqsa mosque site. Special attention was made to make the publication attractive enough to encourage visitors to read and keep it, with an optimal size for placing in a shirt pocket or handbag. 100,000 copies were produced.
Production Details
Text by Robert Spiker in cooperation with the Awqaf. Design and graphics by New Andalus Productions, UK. Printed in Jerusalem and distributed by the Islamic Waqf Administration to visitors with special tickets for the interiors of the al-Aqsa prayer hall and the Dome of the Rock.

Guidebook Introduction
From the Introduction:
"AI-Aqsa Mosque, also known as the Noble Sanctuary or Haram ash-Sharif, encloses over 35 acres of fountains, gardens, paths, buildings and domes. At its southernmost end lies the large prayer hall also often referred to as al-Aqsa, while at its centre lies the celebrated Dome of the Rock. The entire area, comprising nearly one sixth of the walled city of Jerusalem, is regarded as a mosque..."

Other Structures
In addition to information on the history and current status of the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and pages dedicated to the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa prayer hall at the southernmost end of the compound, there are additional pages with brief descriptions of its fountains, gardens, paths, buildings and domes, as well as useful site maps.