New Andalus Productions launched its first website in 1996, when the internet-based world wide web was just becoming widely accessible to the general public. Since then New Andalus has had unique experience in the adaptation of educational and cultural subjects to what has become the indispensable and ubiquitous medium for the transmission of knowledge and information throughout the world today.

The Noble Sanctuary Online Guide launched in that year was immediately successful for several reasons. Technically it was based on a very fast, stable and relatively simple design that made it accessible to a wide audience, and the narrative-based navigation was both appealing and easy to use. The concise text was based on substantive research, illustrated with clear maps locating subjects of discussion and professional photographic images. Lastly, by taking a factual and balanced point of view to what was often a highly politicised subject, the site became linked to a broad range of educational and academic institutions. All this combined with a good understanding of search engine optimization strategy has kept this site in the number one position for “Noble Sanctuary” to the present day.

One of several prototype designs for the integration of universities, museums, libraries and learned societies within the Golden Web world history portal. Cambridge University, the British Museum, the British Library and the Haykluyt Society, among other mainstream institutions, took part in this experiment to contribute and share research and resources through maps and timelines of the trade, pilgrimage and culture shaping humanity.

The Mahmud Mirza site was created to support the Andalusian tours of the renowned sitar player, Usted Mahmud Mirza. The dual language site included a comprehensive audio and video archive of the musician’s music, together with the current tour schedule and reviews of preceding events.
The Noble Sanctuary Internet Site
New Andalus Productions is currently in the process of integrating the more than 2,000 photographs, information cards, audio and video files that were developed for the original CD-ROM production of the Interactive Guide to the Noble Sanctuary into a comprehensive internet site that will be available for all who want to explore and understand the history and significance of this important site in depth.